A fond farewell

A fond farewell

Over the last four years, I’ve spent a lot of time in the magazine lab at Ryerson University’s School of Journalism. That’s because I’ve been the instructor on five issues of the Ryerson Review of Journalism (Summer 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Winter 2011 and Winter 2012). The job is an unbelievable time suck, there are moments of ridiculous stress and the pay is an insult, but each issue has also been an incredibly fulfilling experience. I’m always really proud of what my fabulous students accomplish and it’s a genuine pleasure to watch them grow as journalists, as leaders and — I hope this doesn’t sound too mawkish — even as people. Right before my eyes. I’m also often awed by how smart and talented they are and I just hope they remember me when they run the world (or at least run the world’s news outlets).

So I’ve done five issues now (the only people who have survived more are or were full-time faculty members) and I know I can’t do the Winter 2013 issue because of my upcoming stint as writer-in-residence at Berton House in Dawson City, Yukon. Never say never, of course, and Haley Cullingham, the editor of the new issue, was recently on Twitter taking bets that I would return because, she claims, I take a certain “masochistic pleasure” from the experience. But I figure this is my last issue. And I’m delighted to be going out on such a strong one.

Thanks to everyone I’ve worked with over years, especially the five super talented editors who managed to put up with me: Canice Leung, Marit Mitchell, Katherine Laidlaw, Liam Casey and Haley Cullingham. It’s been a fun ride and, really, a guy can’t ask for anything more than that.