Media Round-up #3
Bad Singer is still popping up in the media so here’s another round-up as 2016 comes to a close. Year-end Lists “A music fan who can’t carry a tune to save his life, Falconer digs into the science of singing, offering himself up as a guinea pig along the way. He might be a terrible […]
Why I won’t sing at my book launch
Why I won’t sing at my book launch Yes, my new book is called Bad Singer. No, I won’t sing at the launch party. That’s because I am part of just 2.5 percent of the population that suffers from amusia, the technical term for tone deafness. Amusia is a brain disorder similar to dyslexia. And […]
The Globe and Mail names Bad Singer to most anticipated books list
The Globe and Mail names Bad Singer to “most anticipated books” list
Bad Singer cover
My next book, Bad Singer: The Surprising Science of Tone Deafness and How We Hear Music, will be out May 14, 2016. Here’s the cover.
Definitely Not the Opera, Indeed
Definitely Not the Opera, Indeed DNTO, or Definitely Not the Opera, the excellent CBC Radio show did an episode called “Raise your voice: why is singing so powerful?” on Thanksgiving weekend. I was part of it, talking about bad singing. The producer who did the pre-interview didn’t say anything about wanting me to sing, but once […]
“The Ballad of Tin Ears”
“The Ballad of Tin Ears” As part of my Bad Singer book project, I helped make a radio doc called “The Ballad of Tin Ears” for CBC Radio Ideas. It airs Tuesday, May 6 at 9 pm on CBC 1. If that’s not a convenient time for you, the show is available for streaming anytime (also […]
Bad Singer Speaking Engagement
Bad Singer Speaking Engagement I’m writing a book called Bad Singer. It won’t be out until 2015, but I guess it’s never too early to start the publicity. So I’m speaking at the Farmhouse Pottery Gallery and Cafe near Orangeville, Ontario, on May 1. Despite what this promotional material says, I won’t be singing. But […]
Face the Music
Face the Music My Maisonneuve magazine story about singing, tone deafness and how we hear music is now online. Includes some science, some culture and lots of personal humiliation.
Face the Music: My most humiliating story
Face the Music: My most humiliating story I have an embarrassing secret: I am tone deaf. I don’t just mean that I am a terrible singer who can’t carry a tune, I mean clinically tone deaf. Or amusic, as the scientists say. I’ve been tested. Many times. But I also love music. How is it […]